GuruAnn Blog

Hume City Councillor, this site is authorised by Fran Wallace, 10 Gibbons St Sunbury

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oh Xmas tree, Oh Xmas tree!

I have to be honest and say I have had a shit of a few weeks, at the moment both Mum and Dad are in hospital, luckily the same one and we are not sure if they will be out tomorrow or not.

Mum's prognosis looks OK, but we have more to learn in January after appointments with Oncologists. Dad had to have his difibulator replaced, when they only thought they were replacing the battery.

The kids are in Sydney having fun with their cousins, they deserve to have some time out.

To my dear friends that have looked after me, and Annette and Paul have been so wonderful, making sure that I am nourished, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nice Xmas

It was held earlier than need be, but the kids had fun and my heartfelt thanks go out to Paul and Annette for putting up with us. Jarrod could only manage 1 hour but Riley, Mum and I had a great time especially watching Riley and I with the WII.

Who knows what the next month or 2 will bring, but today was good, something we can look back and remember.

To my mum I hope the guardian Angel I gave you looks after you.

To people that keep on commenting on this blog and I have blocked, get a life, look after your own family and leave me alone.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life in General

Yesterday, don't ask me what I did, but I am sure it involved Dr's etc, today certainly did, Mum did her pre admission stuff at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, whilst I did the picking up her sisters that have travelled down from Sydney from the airport duty.

I must say that the staff at the Royal Melbourne Hospital are gems, I am sure that there maybe some that are not angels, but everyone one we met today were beautiful people, Mum is a public patient and if the service we got today is an example of the public system then it's working well. Unlike in 1999 when I wouldn't have sent my dog to that hospital.

Tomorrow a bit of respite with my work Xmas do, in the meantime, the number of residents that have contacted me to congratulate me and request help has been overwhelming, I thank god for email and SMS, as I have managed to answer them all.

Still trying to come to terms with the fact that I'll spend Xmas without my kids, but it's the best for everyone, and we'll make up for it some how.

To my wonderful friends, that have provided amasing support, thank you so much.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

When choices have to be made.

The gorgeous and talented surgeon says the operation has to be done next week, no question. The kids are so looking forward to going to Sydney for a break. Not going to happen , except my wonderful family say still send the kids up. I had to make the choice of not being with my kids at Xmas or them being in Sydney for the reunion. Well they are going to Sydney all booked on flights with my wonderful family looking after them. I'll miss them terribly but they deserve a good Xmas which I can't offer.

I love you J and R, and you have accepted that for this Xmas times are difficult but you will have a great time in Sydney with your family. You will need to teach me how to work the web cam so we can catch up on Xmas day.

It's a tough time today, the shock of being told that something you thought would happen in 4 weeks time is happening next week is mind boggling. I want to thank my friends that have supported me tonight>

Friday, December 05, 2008

When it rains!

My mum it at a low ebb, now my dad has to go into hospital next week. Life is a challenge but my great mate Louise has provided me with a peace and tranquility kit to get by and hopefully it will help.

The new Mayor was elected last night and I must congratulate him on his fine effort in becoming the Mayor, Well done and I hope you have an extremely fulfilling year.

Now on to the other challenges that come before me in the next few months.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

My Mum

Today I got re elected, and today my mum got diagnosed with possible Bowel Cancer, Life can suck but we will fight it.
