What the papers say!

Independent Councillor has called on the State Government to sack the Hume City Council (including himself) I assume.
Reaction from some of the other Councillors did give me a reason to chuckle. Cr Abbouche's comments surprise me, maybe he heard the question wrongly.
Cr Kevin Sheahan (Mayor)
Council won't follow his will. The Hume City Council is highly regarded in local circles around Australia. He should be in the anti Hume Council not the Hume Council
Cr Gary Jungwirth
Cr Medcraft needs to have a good look at himself. He has been a dissapointment to the people of Hume and Sunbury. Some people in Sunbury voted for him and we have to put up with that. Anyone on council knows he is a non-performer who makes cheap headlines and totally stupid comments. His views have no influence on council outcomes because we don't take him seriously. We don't believe he has any common sense or vision.
Cr Burhan Yigit
I can almost understand the frustration he must go through. He has no relationship with any other councillor than Jack Ogilvie. He walks out and spits the dummy when he is the most ineffective councillor the council has seen. He is a school yard bully.
Cr Robert Sheahan
Eight out of nine councillors are working together to make decisions for the community.....

Cr Adem Atmaca
We are all sick of Medcraft and his attitude. He is a man of very little substance. We believe the people of Sunbury deserve better representation. They need a person who does deeds not words. He puts this council into disrepute and is constantly nagging and bickering. If he's not happy he should resign. He spits the dummy sometimes which is not very professional........
JAKAS himself
The have never been able to accept that I beat Anne Potter. A select group of councillors, the Potter support group have been working feverishly over the last two years to vote me off. They started from day one, which turned into an almighty blue
Please if you are going to mention me at least spell my name right, it's ANN. It appears that there is a Potter support group in action at Hume, news to me. Maybe it's just a few people that miss the old days when they could actually work with a Sunbury Councillor and not constantly bicker with them.
As Cr Atmaca said, if he don't like it, he is free to leave at any time, but no, in his usual way he insists its everyone elses fault.
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