How much is enough?
Today whilst going for training at a new job I have, I had to return to Sunbury to assist the Community Health Centre in appointing board members. One of the selection panel commented that it was surprising that some irrelevant persons didn't apply. This got me pondering, none of my opponents for council including current incumbents really do much in the way of community activity.
I am currently serve the following
Vice President of Sunbury Jnr Footy Club
Vice President of Sunbury ALP
Vice President of Sunbury Downs College Council
Member of Empowering Sunbury Committee
Member of Sunbury Festival Committee.
Member of Calder Action Group
Board Member of Sunbury Cemetery Trust
Member of VLGA
If there were more hours in the day I am sure I would be on more committees, but I can't stretch that far. I challenge any opponent of mine to match their involvement with mine, if they can then they have credentials to oppose me.
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