Weird jobs!
I have subscribed to a part time job site and today I get this alert, it all sounds a bit weird to me.
This position is with a small business located close to Melbourne's CBD. It is a part-time position with very flexible hours. It will probably occupy around 2-4 hours of your time per week. This is a legitimate job offer open to applicants of any age, but best suited to someone who enjoys an unstructured work environment with odd job requirements at times. You will be paid by the hour. There are no set working hours and you may choose to do much of this work from your own home, provided you can visit the office once or twice a week. Position is available to be filled immediately.
You will report to the woman in this couple. Your job will be to monitor him and report to her on his correspondence. You will be responsible for opening all mail and emailing her a list of all correspondence, as well as providing copies of certain correspondence by email. You will also be responsible for verifying that he is in the location that he says he is going to be in. If you see indication of any activity that he should not be doing, you will report these things to her. You must be completely comfortable with the fact that your job activities may cause him some discomfort and embarrassment.
Additional duties such as administrative work and/or light housekeeping and gardening are available if you wish to increase your hours, but this is not required.
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