This one takes the cake!
This morning I recieved a bizarre phone call, it was from a Councillor at South East Melbourne Council. This councillor informed me that he had got a few calls over the weekend informing him that he should watch what I and another person posted on Sunbury Online.
Apparently he was told that derogatory comments were made about him. Now I have never met this Councillor and know nothing about the Council he represents, and now I am being implicated in some sort of silly game that people want to play. The Councillor didn't know who the person was that called him was as they didn't leave a name, but they did leave a phone number, in the interest of privacy I won't fully divulge what the number was, but I will say that the number belongs to a current Hume City Councillor, it's his council provided fax number, I easily obtained this information as I still have the old Councillor listing from when I was on council. So put the peices together yourselves, he was on council when I was there and he comes from Sunbury.
Maybe the current Hume Councillor though that as the person they called is of Liberal persuasion that they had a ally on board, but it seems that they may have just made one wrong move. The Councillor that called me was most pleasant and perplexed as to why his name would be brought into the situation, as am I.
This is just the beginning of the bullying process, it has been known to happen before and it will continue whilst the people of Sunbury go about their lives blissfully unaware of the type of people that represent them.
I won't be intimidated by these people!
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