GuruAnn Blog

Hume City Councillor, this site is authorised by Fran Wallace, 10 Gibbons St Sunbury

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Toooo Tired, but!!!!!!!!!

Day from hell today, trying to get a new system at work up and running and although I am a Guru, I am no database Guru so I am flying a bit blind. One of the first rules one learns when playing with this type of stuff is to work on a copy, cause if you stuff it up you can always revert to the original good copy, I did that and IT DIDN'T WORK. Seems some silly permission thingy wasn't set to replicate when the database was copied, and of course you think I would have known that. Well at least now I do!

Headed home to School Council Sub Committee, then to a Footy Committee Meeting.

Finally home, I try and resist the urge to check my RSS feeds but had to have a peek, glad I did as Rob has a corker up on line now!

Tipper, you may run but you can't hide!